CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is an exceptionally safe and gentle form of bodywork using a very light touch to encourage your body and central nervous system to balance and heal itself. Your central nervous system controls all of your other body systems including: respiratory, cardiac, musculoskeletal, neurological, immune, endocrine and digestive systems.
The CranioSacral System
The craniosacral system is at the core of your central nervous system. It includes cerebrospinal fluid and tissue which surround your brain, spinal cord and sacrum (tailbone). This fluid moves and is used to protect, nourish and remove waste from your brain and spinal cord.
How does CranioSacral Therapy work?
The CranioSacral Therapist is trained to tune into your cranial rhythm to feel obstructions and restrictions in your body which affect the quality and symmetry of the craniosacral rhythm. The goal is to detect and release core issues so that the treatment focuses on the cause of dysfunction rather than symptoms. Corrections can then be made by gentle traction, holding and encouraging tissues to release tension, thus allowing the body to self-correct itself. Other bodywork modalities may also be incorporated to help facilitate a release.
History of Cranial Therapy
In the early 1900’s, Dr. William G. Sutherland discovered the craniosacral system in the human body. He developed a system of examination and treatment called Cranial Osteopathy.
In 1975, Dr. John E. Upledger led a team of researchers to further study the craniosacral system. He incorporated and refined Dr. Sutherland’s techniques developing his own protocol for evaluation and treatment. In 1985, he founded the Upledger Institute, INC.® which is a health resource center located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and is recognized worldwide for its therapeutic services, clinical research and educational programs.
Dr. John Upledger's Discussion on CranioSacral Therapy:
"One can travel from the most peripheral aspects of the body to its core without ever leaving fascial tissue: hence, it is clear that restrictions in normal fascial mobility anywhere in the body can compromise the functioning of the craniosacral system...
Quite often, abnormal tension from the peripheral fascias ...(can) not only impair the function of the craniosacral system but may often contribute to the development of facilitated spinal cord segments that ultimately devitalize segmentally related viscera. This, in turn, can create neuromusculoskeletal problems that self-perpetuate.
In CranioSacral Therapy, the practitioner continually evaluates the craniosacral system and all body fascias, searching for areas of compromised mobility. This ongoing search allows the therapist to assess the degree of free mobility that may or may not be present. It also involves a whole-body evaluation of energy patterns and cysts. Once such abnormal patterns are located, the therapist may eclectically employ any and all techniques that may be useful in re-establishing optimal freedom of motion to any restricted areas that are found...
It is my belief that motion is health, and statis results in disease. Such motion can range from the movement of interstitial fluids and transmembrane ionic and molecular transport, to gross joint motion and even energy flow. It is the CranioSacral Therapist's job to continually work towards restoring freedom of motion to all body tissues. In this way, the therapist makes wise use of body tissues to naturally restore health and inner balance."
What to expect during a CranioSacral Session:
Clients remain fully clothed and recline on a massage table. It is recommended to wear loose and comfortable clothing.
The therapist will use a light touch to evaluate and treat. Individual experiences will vary. You may feel sensations of tissue releasing or you may get deeply relaxed and fall asleep.
Improvements may be felt immediately or gradually over time as your system rebalances.
Some Benefits of CranioSacral Therapy:
Brain Disorders: Autism, Dementia
Brain Trauma via Football, Hockey, Soccer, War, etc..
Car and Accident Trauma
Central Nervous System Disorders
Clears Chemicals and Toxins from Brain
COVID Brain Fog
Opens Clogged Ears and Sinuses
Depression and Postpartum Depression
Ear and Hearing Problems
Emotional Difficulties
Eye and Vision Problems
Head, Neck and Body Pain
Headaches and Migraines
Strengthens Immune System
Detox Liver
Personality Changes
Post-Surgery Dysfunction
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD
Sciatica, Back Pain
Stress, Lowers Cortisol
TMJ (jaw pain) Tight Jaw Muscles
And Many Others ...
Birth is not an easy process on the baby whether it's an "easy" delivery or not. Restrictions induced in the body may later manifest into problems such as: learning disabilities, sensory integration problems, ear infections and many other issues.
CranioSacral Therapy is well suited for infants because it is such a light touch therapy and non-invasive to the baby's sensitive body. The therapy is designed to find and gently release restrictions so the body can self-correct itself.
Releasing restrictions in the cranium and body will allow better flow of cerebrospinal fluid, blood and nutrients to areas that may have been malfunctioning, allowing the central nervous system and body to heal.
The younger the child the more rapid the corrections.
Some Benefits for Babies and Infants:
Abnormal Fears
Attention Deficit Disorder
Birth Trauma
Bowel Problems
Chronic Otitis
Difficulties in Ears Draining
Erb's Palsy
Excessive Crying
Failure-to-Thrive Syndrome
Hearing Problems
Hyperkinetic Behavior
Klumpke's Palsy
Learning Disabilities Problems
Motor-Coordination Difficulties
Sensory Processing Issues
Social Skills
Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Sleeping Problems
Speech Problems
And Many Others ...
Richard Popp is Certified in CranioSacral Therapy from the Upledger Institute.
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